четвъртък, 28 октомври 2010 г.

Discussing Halloween's party and sort the clothes for T.Turnovski - school in V.Tarnovo

Today in our CAS class we were discussing the Halloween party.We chose the prizes for the party.It was so funny, as you can see from the pictures.We liked the prizes and we did not want to give them to the other students,but we have to :D :)))
 After we chose the prizes for the party ,we sorted the clothes for the children without parents in T.Turnovski - school in Veliko Tarnovo.It was so nicely and sad in the same moment , because we were feeling really good because we help to these children when we collected all of these clothes and it was so sad because we have everything and they do not have anything.After we sorted the clothes I felt really pleasant that we did something beneficial for these children

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