събота, 25 декември 2010 г.

The Ball

On 21st started the preparation for the ball... make up,hairstyle,manicure stuff like this ...I was so excited and I just could not hide it lalalal like in the song , by the way I was singing this song the whole day :D :D :D 
When I went at the school auditorium everything was perfect – the decoration,the DJ was there,the guest list was ready.The food was really delicious,which was really important for the boys..There were helium balloons and the Christmas trees were a posture for them,because the people forgot to bring their posture.When the pefrormance had to start Mirela and Radoslava took the microphones,they were nervous , but they did their job really well.There were dance,games and competition and everybody had fun.

It was very hard to organise a meeting like this , because you have to make everybody happy which is the most difficult.I am  really glad from the result.

Decoration of the auditorium for the Christmas ball and Visiting of the local resident home for old people

On 20th December our IB girls and group of boys , decorated the auditorium where the ball was going to be.It took us about 6-7 hours , but the result was awsome. First we removed the chairs from the auditorium,which was not easy,the Math teacher helped us to make a configuration at the back of the auditorium so that the chairs would not fall.After this part of my IB class and me went to the local resident home for old people. We wanted to wish them happy holidays and to give them presents for so,we bought them clocks for Christmas so they can watch their favourite movies on time.
In the beggining girl from 8th grade played on violin some Christmas songs for the old people and other students told a Christmas Story.Two old women sang a song for us,they were so cute,we gave the clocks to the people which were in the room and then we had to put clocks in the rooms where live people that are sick and can’t come to see the performance .It was so sad , I really do not want to talk about this ...After the visit there we went back to school to continue with the decoration of the auditorium.The whole decoration was hand-made,stars in different sizes,coloured in red and cold.The boys helped us to hang them from the ceiling.At six p.m we ordered pizza and had a lunch or dinner(or breakfast I am not sure , because we were too busy,with the decoration,to think about food).When the pizza came I and one of the boys went out to take it and they gave us Coca Cola bonus :D  While decorating Mirela and Radoslava made repetitions for the performance and Hristina practiced her dance.
We were all so exhausted , but pleasant because of the result – this decoration was the best one from the previous.
Part of the decoration in the local resident home for old people

Me and Lore during the decoration of the auditorium.

Discussing the Christmas Ball

Christmas Charity Sell of ceramic plates

On 15th of December from four pm we started to sell ceramic plates,made in school workshop,for charity.I,Branimira and Radoslava were on the one table and on the other table were Martina and Lora.First we arranged the table,at the end we sold everytning.
The price-list  was this
Little plates for 2 lv
Big plates for 3 lv
Tile for 2 lv
Pitcher with spoon for 5 lv
Glass for 3 lv
Bottle for 5 lv
After the Charity Sell we went to the auditorium,because there was a auction and me and my classmates bought a cake for 20lv,which was so delicious.I have never been to an auction before but it was so fun and I will be happy if we organise one in the future.

събота, 4 декември 2010 г.

"European Volunteer Corps"

On 2nd December we were on a meeting about “European Volunteer Corps”.I really liked the idea.It was so interesting.In the beginning there was a presentation about the group as a whole and the main idea.We arranged our future activities.Our next meeting will be in February .I felt great,because I know that we will do something which is beneficial for the society.

Christmas Decoration

1st of December was the most wearisome day this week.First we went on school earlier,we had a really tiring day at school till 16:00 o’clock and after this we had to decorate the school’s hall.It took a lot of time to do it,because we were a lot of student,so everybody wanted to do something different.There were students from 8th grade and they helped us very much.After about an hour the hall was looking briliant.I was feeling really exhausted I went home and I fell a sleep.

World AIDS day

            1st of December – World AIDS Day.Me and my classmates went to school earlier ( at 7:20 a.m).We went to the main door.We distributed the roles that everyone takes,some of us were giving the condoms(like me),others were giving flyers about AIDS and the the other were putting stigmas.I am so happy that I took part in this action,because after this I was feeling useful,because I knew that I did something beneficial for the whole world.
Now it is 21st century and everybody should be informed about the AIDS distribution , but unfortunately it is not like this.For example people in Africa do not know anything about HIV and AIDS.One of my dreams is when I graduate to go in Africa and talk with the local people and tell them something about the AIDS,I hope my dream will come true one day,because there are MILLIONS of people dying every day,because they are not informed about it.There are people in the developed countries,which know about it and they are still inattentive.

Started on 1st December 1988, World AIDS Day is about raising money, increasing awareness, fighting prejudice and improving education. The World AIDS Day theme for 2010 is 'Universal Access and Human Rights'. World AIDS Day is important for reminding people that HIV has not gone away, and that there are many things still to be done.
According to UNAIDS estimates, there are now 33.3 million people living with HIV, including 2.5 million children. During 2009 some 2.6 million people became newly infected with the virus and an estimated 1.8 million people died from AIDS.
The vast majority of people with HIV and AIDS live in lower- and middle-income countries. But HIV today is a threat to men, women and children on all continents around the world.(took from http://www.avert.org/world-aids-day.htm )

Charity Club Meeting

 On 29th of November we had a Charity Club meeting about our future activities.It was so annoying,because we were about 30 people in a small classroom and everyone was shouting and arguing,but except this everything was did our job well.We distributed the roles  that every member takes.Me and my classmates will go to the local resident for old peoplе,we will prepare a short program for the,we are also going to give them presents,bought with the money from the Christmas bazaar in the college.There we will sell a hand-made plates,bottles and tiles(with decoupage).We decided who is going to sell them in school and in the municipality.I am going to attend the bazaar in the municipality on 17th December, also I will go to visit the old people in the resident.I LOVE going there.The people there are so nice.They are so happy when we visit them and I am so happy too , because for me it is important to make happy people around you.It makes you feel useful and full of energy.

вторник, 30 ноември 2010 г.

Selling couverts for the Christmas Charity Ball :)

Previous week (22-26 Novermer) we started to sell the couverts for the Christmas Charity Ball.We were all a bit disappointed
because the students were not so enthusiastic about the ball and only 20 people bought , but we hope that the next week they will be more

четвъртък, 18 ноември 2010 г.

Organizing the Christmas Prom :)

Today we had a CAS meeting.We made the invitations for the Christmas Ball and we chose the decoration for the hall :) It was so fun :) We picked the name "Christmas Dream".We ordered them from one internet site we were a bit embarrassed , because we did not know what will come .. but everytning was okay :) The purses for the couverts looked great , we also ordered chritmas trees for decoration they were so cute.
The Ball will be perfect!!!

вторник, 16 ноември 2010 г.

Fifth Yoga Lesson

Yesterday was my fifth yoga lesson.I was so tired,so I could almost falling asleep during the lesson, it was not one of my best lessons,but despite this I had a great time and I relaxed too.We made a different exercises , which were more intensive than before , maybe that is the reason , because I was so tired after the class.

Local Project - selling the second edition of the newspaper

On the 11th of November after the big preparation, we started to sold the newspaper in the first break at school.We made 100 copies and we sold about 65-70 which was not so bad.I hope that we will sell more copies next time :)

Local Project - Making the new edition of the school newspaper

On 11th of November we prepared our newspaper.My job was to write an interview with the winner of the prize "The scariest mask" on the Halloween party.I enjoyed my job.There was a surprise for the readers - on one of the pages in the newspaper there was a sign by the most famous actor in the play "The ugly one".The one that I told you in my previous publication.

Theater Play

I always loved to go to theater plays,but in our theater in Veliko Tarnovo there are not so many plays :) , but when I understood that there will be a theater play I was first to buy a ticket.
On 10th of November there was a performance in the theater so me and my classmates  went .This time we chose to watch “The ugly one”.If I have to be honest with you,I chose it because I like one of the actors in the play,Kalin Vrachanski,he is a famous bulgarian actor .. but nevermind let me tell you something more about the play
I did not have big expectations about the play,but I was impressed from everything,because everything was perfect.It was such a great show,the actors were really good.I liked it a lot because it was unusual.

Theater Play

On 8th  of November me and my classmates went on a theater play.The play was played by a theater from Razgrad(small town in north Bulgaria), the name of the play was the The iron candlestick”.It was about the bulgarian struggles of 19th  century  for the national Orthodox Church.I did not like it , because there was nothing common with the book and I did not like the way the actors were playing.I was really disappointed.This book is a classic in the bulgarian literature.The students in the National Program will study it.

четвъртък, 4 ноември 2010 г.

Discussing the local project and the organization of Christmas Prom

Today was such a lovely day.The sun was shining so we decided to go out for our CAS class.We were discussing the next copy of our IB Newspaper.Of course I'm not going to tell you anything about it , it will be surprise in my next publication :)
We also talked about the organization of the  Christmas prom :) About the decoration of the hall,about the music for the night,for the invitations and so on.That from me for now :) more about the Christmas prom in the next post :)

сряда, 3 ноември 2010 г.

Halloween Party

After the shooping day in Varna, in the evening we went to Albena for our Halloween party.We stayed in really comfortable and beautiful hotel.
It was such a wonderful evening.First we had a dinner in the hotel,which was so delicious.Then at 9 p.m we started with our program.There were different competitions and so many prizes.There were so many different costumes :There was a boy dressed as a terrorist,one was dressed as a ghould.One of the girls was dressed as a lake monster and she painted her body with green paint.It was so fun.We had a DJ.We all had so beautiful costumes  I want to have so many weekend like this.I will always remember this Halloween party.


Tourist Trip to Varna

On 31st of October I woke up at 7:00a.m and went to the parking of stadium “Ivaylo”.We went from there at 8:30 a.m.It was so fun during the trip to Varna.At 12:30 we were in Varna.The weather was perfect for shopping and walk.So me and my classmates went on shopping,we all bought a lot of clothes.After the long shopping tour we went in one caffe to relax.It was such a great trip.I love Varna and I hope that we will go there again.
Of course on the next day (01.11.2010)  when we went back to Tarnovo we went to Varna again and we went to see the sea,during the winter.It was so cold,but it was so beautiful too J I love the sea,even in the winter when I can not swim in it.

This is me and  Hristina.I love her so much!
 This is me,my classmates and our CAS cordinator Ms.Petarcheva :)

понеделник, 1 ноември 2010 г.

Lacquering the box

On 28th of October I was lacuering my box.It was funny and smelly too.The lacquer smelt disgusting.
I have to lacquering my box again,because the box absorb the biggest portion of the lacquer.
This will stay as a souvenir at home forever :) , maybe it will sound immodesty, but I really made one very beautiful box :)

четвъртък, 28 октомври 2010 г.

Discussing Halloween's party and sort the clothes for T.Turnovski - school in V.Tarnovo

Today in our CAS class we were discussing the Halloween party.We chose the prizes for the party.It was so funny, as you can see from the pictures.We liked the prizes and we did not want to give them to the other students,but we have to :D :)))
 After we chose the prizes for the party ,we sorted the clothes for the children without parents in T.Turnovski - school in Veliko Tarnovo.It was so nicely and sad in the same moment , because we were feeling really good because we help to these children when we collected all of these clothes and it was so sad because we have everything and they do not have anything.After we sorted the clothes I felt really pleasant that we did something beneficial for these children

Local Project : IB brochure

On 26th of October came out the first edition of the I.B brochure.First we printed 50 copies , but they finished for minutes ( I don’t exaggerate they finished in the first big break).Then we printed 30 copies and we sold them too . We were so happy because all of the students liked the brochure.
After we counted the money , Loretta told who are the winners from the lottery.I was so surprised because I was one of the winners . I won a sweet pen , with which we will write the future articles in the newspaper J

Fourth Yoga Lesson

On 25th was my fourth yoga lesson.I was so tired because I finished school at 16:00 o’clock , but I went ot my yoga class.I was feeling so calm , so when we started with the relaxation I fell a sleep.After the class my  neighbour told me that she was next to me and she was talking to me because she wanted to wake me up , but I did not wake up.When I went home I felt like a newborn baby.J

Decorative Ceramic Club & Discussing the Halloween party

On 21st of October in our CAS class we were discussing the Halloween party.We talked about our costumes and about the program on the Halloween evening :)
 Then I decoupaged  my box.It was so funny.I really liked my box and when my mom come back from China this will be a present for her. I am sure that she will like it too . I eagerly expect the next Decorative Ceramic class.
It was so fun while I was making my box it was difficul too , but at the end I liked it a lot :)

четвъртък, 21 октомври 2010 г.

Third Yoga Lesson

On 18th of October was my third yoga lesson.I was sick, with terrible headache.I'm still sick,but I'm better after my yoga class.
Irina(our teacher) taught us how to make Lotus Posture :
It was so interesting .. I cant wait till the next class =)
I know that yoga is so popular in Hollywood and when I went home I was searching who of the famous stars are practicing yoga.I found that are so many people one of the most famous are Madonna,Cameron Diaz,etc.
I also read that  Ricky Martin practices yoga every day :) When I read these thing I was feeling like a famous Hollywood star :P :P

Discussing Decoupage Activities,Halloween party and the first edition of our newspaper

On 14th October we had a CAS meeting where we discussed the Halloween party ,the first edition of our newspaper and we discussed how to decoupage our boxes.I hope that the Halloween party will be great,because we are so excited about it.I hope that everything with our newspaper will be okay too, because we have a lot of work.

понеделник, 18 октомври 2010 г.

Decorative Ceramic Clum - Visited Art Shop "Gama"

My classmates went to this Art Shop "Gama" on 7th of October,but I was on eye doctor on this time,so I did not go with them. I was so sad , because I really wanted to go there... so I decided to go alone without them and on 14th of October I went there.
It has so much different things for painting and papers …It was so interesting. I took a business card on one Art teacher and in the summer I will go on art courses.
 P.S I liked the shop and I will definitely visit it again.I liked all of the art things in there,
These are some of the things that I bought from there

Second Yoga Lesson

On 11th of October was my second yoga lesson. I was so sad through the whole day,but of course I went to the yoga class. We started the class and I really felt better,because with the breathing exercises bad energy go out of your body and you are like a new person
This is a picture made by my mother after meditation
 When I went home I was so enthusiastic so .. I read about the Yoga system and now I will share what I found , I am sure that you will like it :)
Hatha Yoga
Ha and tha, the sun and moon, refer to the two opposite currents that regulate all processes in our body. There is nothing mysterious about it because anything in our universe exists because of a positive and negative charge. Hatha Yoga, Raja Yoga, and Kriya Yoga are specifically dealing with the intention of gaining control over the flow of these life-currents.
Hatha Yoga is known for the asanas or postures. It is thought that by perfecting the body, creating a healthy physical condition, and raising Kundalini (dormant energy) upwards along the spine, the body becomes better prepared for yogic awakening. The first effects felt are usually improved health and strengthened nervous system. Some Hatha Yogis may even demonstrate control over internal organs, blood flow, and breathing. The ability of some Yogis to even stop the breathing and heart beat completely for a period of time has been demonstrated under laboratory settings. Traditional Hatha Yoga consists of:
1. Asanas (postures);
2. Shat Karmas (six cleansing techniques, also known as Shat Kriyas);
3. Pranayama (control of breathing with retention);
4. Bandhas (locks) and Mudras (seals) for the regulation of Prana (life-force) and Kundalini; and
5. Samadhi (Union with God, realization of the Self, ecstasy, nirvana).
There are many good books available on this subject and one is wise to have a copy handy that also include pictures of the various asanas and mudras.

Raja Yoga / Radja Yoga
Raja Yoga means royal and is sometimes called the crown of Hatha Yoga. Raja adds concentration after body and mind are cleaned and trained to stay calm and attentive. The improvement in our power of concentration, as a result of Raja Yoga, moves all of our attention towards the source of our Being in order to become that Being. Raja Yoga is a complete system, also refered to as Ashtanga Yoga because of the eight (ashta) limbs (anga) the system rests on.
The Eight Limbs (Ashta-anga) are:
1. Restraints (yamas: harmlessness, truthfulness, non-stealing, control of senses)
2. Disciplines (niyamas: cleanliness, purification of body, mind and nervous system, study of metaphysical principles, contemplation on God)
3. Postures (asanas)
4. Control of breathing and life-currents (pranayama)
5. Turning the attention within (pratyahara)
6. Concentration (dharana)
7. Meditation (dhyana: prolonged periods of perfect concentration and contemplation)
8. Holy Trance (Samadhi)

Bhakti Yoga (Union through Devotion and Love)
Bhakti Yoga is the Yoga of selfless love, compassion, humility, purity and the desire and serious intention to merge with God. It is nothing else than to follow the 'First Commandment': "to love God with all your heart, mind and soul."
The following persons are known as outstanding examples of Bhakti Yogis:
·  Daya Mata
·  Shree Maa
·  Anandamayi Ma (1896 - 1982)
·  Mother Teresa (1910 - 1997)
·  Ma Yoga Shakti
·  Mata Amritanandamayi (Ammachi)
Bhakti Yoga Meditation - a complete guide for understanding the philosophy and practice of bhakti for practitioners at any level. Following the teachings of Jagadguru Shri Kripaluji Maharaj, we offer online meditation instructions, mp3 downloads of meditation kirtan, lectures and other helpful accessories, tips and suggestions for you to progress in your bhakti meditation.

Jnana Yoga (The Yoga of Knowledge)
Jnana Yoga is practical Philosophy/Metaphysics. It is both theory and practice. Jnana Yoga uses the intellect as a tool to understand that our true Self is behind and beyond our mind. It is a Quest for the Self by direct inquiry into "who we are." It is, however, a mistake to think that the Source could be found with the intellect alone.
For the purpose of Self-discovery, Jnana Yoga probes the nature of the Self through the question: Who am I? Through persistent probing, fixing our attention on the source of our Being, we regain our real Self. We remember who we are. The inquiry, as the result of practising Jnana Yoga, leads us towards clear Awareness by removing our attention from that which we are not. Along with Bhakti Yoga (Devotion), Jnana is listed among the best approaches for becoming aware of the eternal Self (God).
Shankara and Ramana Maharshi are the classic authorities concerning Jnana Yoga. Like Hatha and Raja Yogis, Jnana Yogis also acknowledge the relationship between breathing and thinking. They found that breathing slows automatically through concentration on the "I-AM."
For more in-depth information, please see extended article: Jnana Yoga

Kriya Yoga
Kriya Yoga refers to actions designed to rid the body and mind of obstructions. Kriya Yoga is a complete system including mantras, meditation, and other techniques towards controlling the life-force and bringing calmness and control over body and mind. The goal is to unite with pure Awareness (God). Since pure Awareness is our original condition, it is also referred to as Self-awareness.
The following organizations are known to be genuine sources for the original techniques:
·  Ananda Church of Self-Realization
·  Center for Spiritual Awareness (CSA)
·  Self-Realization Fellowship (SRF)
For more in-depth information, please see our extended article: Kriya Yoga

Karma Yoga (Self-less work for our fellow neighbour)
Karma is the total sum of all our actions (mental and physical), in this life and before. Karma Yoga is the yoga of Service or self-transcending Action, whereby the yogi directs all actions towards God. By serving God and humanity (without selfishness, egoism, and attachment) the heart becomes pure, the ego fades and, over time, or even over many lifetimes, one becomes increasingly in tune and unified with God. Enlightenment (Samadhi, nirvana, union with God) is naturally realized through Karma yoga
These are the six yoga systems.I hope you will like the information from : 

събота, 9 октомври 2010 г.

The International Teacher's Day

The day after my classmates baked the cakes and we all together wrote the fortunes we had to bring them at school.In the second school brake we went to the teacher’s room and greeted them for their holiday.They were really suprised and it was so nice to hear that they liked the cupcakes and the fortunes on them.All day they were talking how good the cakes were

Fortunes for the "International Teacher's Day

5th of October the International Teacher's Day,we went in Marti's Flat.It was so funny,but a  I little bit cannoying and excausted too(when we were writing the 50th fortunes for the cupcakes)

First Yoga Lesson

On 4th of October was my First Yoga Lesson.Place - School in Gorna Orqhovitca.I went there at about 19:00 and I met my teacher Irina Velkova,then I introduced myself to the other people of the group.So the class started.First we started with breathing techniques.Our teacher Irina showed us how to breath with stomach,chest and then with shoulders.It was so interesting because if you breath properly it is easier  to make the excersise.Than she learned us how to relax.It was amazing.I felt like I was in different world,world without problems.
I eagerly expect the next yoga class. :))))

понеделник, 4 октомври 2010 г.

Decorating ceramic plates

On 30th of September was our first meeting of the Decorative Ceramic Club!

We met our teacher Miroslava Petarcheva at 13:45 in the library.I was so enthusiastic for this meeting.
So we started making the plates.It was so fun,but for me it was difficult to cut an ornaments form the decoupage paper sheet.I am so happy with the result of my hard work and commitment to a plate.
I have never before heard about what is Decoupage?so..when I went home I searched and I found this .. I think that it will be interesting to read this :)
Definition of Decoupage: art produced by decorating a surface with cutouts and then coating it with several layers of varnish or lacquer
Decoupage on wiseGEEK: For those who enjoy a good craft project, homemade worry boxes can be constructed out of unfinished wooden jewelry boxes, which can be found in many craft shops, and some creative painting or decoupage.
In a child’s room, for example, you can cut out pictures from wallpaper border and decoupage them to lampshades for the bedside tables(I found this in http://www.wisegeek.com/topics/decoupage.htm )

неделя, 26 септември 2010 г.

Second CAS Meeting

On 23rd of September was our Second CAS Meeting.We were discussing,creating and balancing the first term planning page.It was so exciting,because everybody had different ideas and we chose the best of the best.

Decorative Ceramic Club - 10 Hours
Theater Play - 5 Hours
Decorating of school hall for Christmas - 2 Hours
International Teacher's Day - cakes making - 2 Hours
Total : 19 Hours

Power Yoga - 12 Hours
Tourist trip to  Varna.. - 8 Hours
Bowling Competition - 2 Hours
Total: 22 Hours

Charity Club - 13 Hours
Christmas charity sell of ceramic plates - 2 Hours
Greeting the teachers in school for "International Teacher's Day" - 2 Hours
Organization Helloween's Party - 3 Hours
Organization of "Christmas Charity Prom" - 6 Hours
Charity compaign for AIDS - 2 Hours
Total: 28 Hours
            TOTAL: 66 Hours
Local Project:
IB Coctail - newspaper

неделя, 19 септември 2010 г.

First CAS Meeting

On 16th of September was our First CAS Meeting.We were in the library and there we met our CAS teacher - Miroslava Petarcheva.She gave us a information about the CAS hours and activities.We discussed our future plans, everyone presented their ideas. I felt so excited, everything was new and interesting to me.I like the program a lot and especially the CAS ,because it is relaxing and beneficial in the same time