четвъртък, 24 март 2011 г.

Cause for Everyone

On 17th March there was a Charity Concert , called “Cause for everyone” , in the municipality.There were members from four schools , who were defended their cause.The money from the tickets we sold will go for the winner cuase,so ... we won the competition.We we all so happy,because we really deserved it.The money which we won had to go for a women ,from the local resident home , who has a problem with her eyes , but then at the of the concer our CAS teacher decided that it is better to give the money to the people from Japan.At one side I’m happy that we will help to those people , who don’t have where to live or those who don’t have what to eat , but at the  other side I think that the money we  have won  have to go to the woman’s eye operation , because we already promised this to her.

There is a link from our concert:

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