четвъртък, 24 март 2011 г.

Cause for Everyone

On 17th March there was a Charity Concert , called “Cause for everyone” , in the municipality.There were members from four schools , who were defended their cause.The money from the tickets we sold will go for the winner cuase,so ... we won the competition.We we all so happy,because we really deserved it.The money which we won had to go for a women ,from the local resident home , who has a problem with her eyes , but then at the of the concer our CAS teacher decided that it is better to give the money to the people from Japan.At one side I’m happy that we will help to those people , who don’t have where to live or those who don’t have what to eat , but at the  other side I think that the money we  have won  have to go to the woman’s eye operation , because we already promised this to her.

There is a link from our concert:

понеделник, 21 март 2011 г.

Selling Tickets

On 14th March we were selling tickets in school for our charity campaign , that is going to take place on 17th in the municipality on the charity concert.This campaign includes different performances from four schools ( 3 from Veliko Tarnovo and 1 from Svishtov) and in the end of the concert guest will give the ticket for the campaign which they want to support.The price is collectef from the tickets ( one ticket is 2 leva)  money which is about 400leva (200 euro).The money will go for charity,but the causes of the different schools will be different.
So we went in every classroom and offered the students and the teacher to buy tickets for the concert,nothing special.I hope that we will win the competition

понеделник, 14 март 2011 г.

The three musketeers

On 10th March me and some of my classmates visited the local theater.The performance was “The three musketeers” and many famous actors took place in it(like Kalin Vrachanski I told you about him in the previous posts J ).I didn’t know what kind of genre it will be the performance and I didn’t expect anything , but it was really good.The actors played really good.
After the performance me and my friends discussed it ,we were all so excited J

неделя, 13 март 2011 г.

Instructions for the Street Parade

On 9th March me and my classmates went to the municipality.There the PR of the municipality told us instructions about the Street Parade,but he did not tell us something which we do not know.We  did not know that we were going to wear enormous,ugly blue t-shirts with stickers on it and that we will give colour papers with thoughts to the people.They told us that the DJ on the Street Parade will be Sandy Rivera.Usually I don’t listen this type of music , but when I went home I listened Sandy Rivera’s tracks and I liked him , so I will see what will happen on the Parade J

Second Yoga Class

On 7th March was my second yoga class for the second term.I was so stressed , because of the first exam ( the exam for the bulgarian language) for the IB program and this was the most relaxing yoga class ever.We talked about the yoga alternative medicine and when I went home back I read more about it in wikipedia


My yoga teacher told me to listen this song and I realli liked it , that’s why I want to share it with all of you 


четвъртък, 3 март 2011 г.

1 March

On 1st March we went to school a little bit earlier ( at about 7:30) , because we gave martenici to the students from school .. Some of them were very enthusiastic and happy , but most of them were sad because they were late for school ... After school we went to the local resident home for old people.
There we had a short performance, we read a poems connected with the holiday and the coming spring.I read two poems J When we finished with the performance we gave to the old people our martenici with message.
We were so surprised when the old people gave  us so many presents :hand – made martenici to all of us , book with poems from a man from the home and hand made wall panel J
We were all happy , because of their happiness and because of their surprise to us J
Poster for the holiday
made by the old people in the home

The hand-made wall panel :)

Book with picture of the home 

Cover of the book.The title in english is "Salvation"
http://veliko-tarnovo.net/novini/amerikanskiyat-kolezh-podari-martensko-darvo-za-zdrave-i-kasmet-na-doma-veneta-boteva.html link from the online edition of the local newspaper

CAS Meeting

On 24th February we had a CAS meeting in the library J We talked about our future activites and specially for 1st of March and 22nd March J
We talked about our program in the local resident home and we counted the “martenici” for last time , because we did not want to take less . We also talked and discussed the Street Parade in Veliko Tarnovo on 22nd March.We will be on the bus , which will go through the whole town .. It will be so cool J J J I am so happy 
This is the logo for this year's street parade :)

вторник, 1 март 2011 г.

First yoga class for the second term

On 21st February was my first yoga class for the second term.I was so happy , because I really wanted to go there , because I needed time special for me and I need relaxation J I really liked this class , because we made more intense excersises.The different this time was that we didn’t start with relaxation as usual , we had relaxation only at the end of the class.We talked about how to deal with the flues during the winter and specially about the homeopathy.