вторник, 10 май 2011 г.

The Party

On 9th May me and part of my classmates visited the local theater.The performance was “The party”.I expected one good play,but I was dissapointed.It was awful : the genre and the actors too.
After the performance me and my classmates discussed how dissapointed we are.

Saying good-bye to the seniors.

On 2nd May our school took last goodbye with the seniors.Me and my classmates were busy to decorate the stairs and the auditorium.We stuck little steps on the way to the auditorium,we decorate the main door and we put many balloons.It was so sad , because I was friend with big part of the seniors,but on the other hand it was so fun,because the performance was really good.There were two sketches,which make all of us laugh truly.Some of the 11th graders had prepared songs and then the presentation came.
Next year we will be on their places , but I don’t want L

Collecting Books

On 21st April me and my classmates went to the local library to give the collected books from the charity campaign(I told you about this in my previous post).I was impressed by the library.The library is huge and there are thousands of old books.The lady in the library was so happy to see us,which is the best prize for us , to see someone happy and glad , because of our action J It is wonderful when you know that someone is happy because of you
p.s I will visit this library again , because i want to read many of the books which are there J