събота, 25 декември 2010 г.

The Ball

On 21st started the preparation for the ball... make up,hairstyle,manicure stuff like this ...I was so excited and I just could not hide it lalalal like in the song , by the way I was singing this song the whole day :D :D :D 
When I went at the school auditorium everything was perfect – the decoration,the DJ was there,the guest list was ready.The food was really delicious,which was really important for the boys..There were helium balloons and the Christmas trees were a posture for them,because the people forgot to bring their posture.When the pefrormance had to start Mirela and Radoslava took the microphones,they were nervous , but they did their job really well.There were dance,games and competition and everybody had fun.

It was very hard to organise a meeting like this , because you have to make everybody happy which is the most difficult.I am  really glad from the result.

Decoration of the auditorium for the Christmas ball and Visiting of the local resident home for old people

On 20th December our IB girls and group of boys , decorated the auditorium where the ball was going to be.It took us about 6-7 hours , but the result was awsome. First we removed the chairs from the auditorium,which was not easy,the Math teacher helped us to make a configuration at the back of the auditorium so that the chairs would not fall.After this part of my IB class and me went to the local resident home for old people. We wanted to wish them happy holidays and to give them presents for so,we bought them clocks for Christmas so they can watch their favourite movies on time.
In the beggining girl from 8th grade played on violin some Christmas songs for the old people and other students told a Christmas Story.Two old women sang a song for us,they were so cute,we gave the clocks to the people which were in the room and then we had to put clocks in the rooms where live people that are sick and can’t come to see the performance .It was so sad , I really do not want to talk about this ...After the visit there we went back to school to continue with the decoration of the auditorium.The whole decoration was hand-made,stars in different sizes,coloured in red and cold.The boys helped us to hang them from the ceiling.At six p.m we ordered pizza and had a lunch or dinner(or breakfast I am not sure , because we were too busy,with the decoration,to think about food).When the pizza came I and one of the boys went out to take it and they gave us Coca Cola bonus :D  While decorating Mirela and Radoslava made repetitions for the performance and Hristina practiced her dance.
We were all so exhausted , but pleasant because of the result – this decoration was the best one from the previous.
Part of the decoration in the local resident home for old people

Me and Lore during the decoration of the auditorium.

Discussing the Christmas Ball

Christmas Charity Sell of ceramic plates

On 15th of December from four pm we started to sell ceramic plates,made in school workshop,for charity.I,Branimira and Radoslava were on the one table and on the other table were Martina and Lora.First we arranged the table,at the end we sold everytning.
The price-list  was this
Little plates for 2 lv
Big plates for 3 lv
Tile for 2 lv
Pitcher with spoon for 5 lv
Glass for 3 lv
Bottle for 5 lv
After the Charity Sell we went to the auditorium,because there was a auction and me and my classmates bought a cake for 20lv,which was so delicious.I have never been to an auction before but it was so fun and I will be happy if we organise one in the future.

събота, 4 декември 2010 г.

"European Volunteer Corps"

On 2nd December we were on a meeting about “European Volunteer Corps”.I really liked the idea.It was so interesting.In the beginning there was a presentation about the group as a whole and the main idea.We arranged our future activities.Our next meeting will be in February .I felt great,because I know that we will do something which is beneficial for the society.

Christmas Decoration

1st of December was the most wearisome day this week.First we went on school earlier,we had a really tiring day at school till 16:00 o’clock and after this we had to decorate the school’s hall.It took a lot of time to do it,because we were a lot of student,so everybody wanted to do something different.There were students from 8th grade and they helped us very much.After about an hour the hall was looking briliant.I was feeling really exhausted I went home and I fell a sleep.

World AIDS day

            1st of December – World AIDS Day.Me and my classmates went to school earlier ( at 7:20 a.m).We went to the main door.We distributed the roles that everyone takes,some of us were giving the condoms(like me),others were giving flyers about AIDS and the the other were putting stigmas.I am so happy that I took part in this action,because after this I was feeling useful,because I knew that I did something beneficial for the whole world.
Now it is 21st century and everybody should be informed about the AIDS distribution , but unfortunately it is not like this.For example people in Africa do not know anything about HIV and AIDS.One of my dreams is when I graduate to go in Africa and talk with the local people and tell them something about the AIDS,I hope my dream will come true one day,because there are MILLIONS of people dying every day,because they are not informed about it.There are people in the developed countries,which know about it and they are still inattentive.

Started on 1st December 1988, World AIDS Day is about raising money, increasing awareness, fighting prejudice and improving education. The World AIDS Day theme for 2010 is 'Universal Access and Human Rights'. World AIDS Day is important for reminding people that HIV has not gone away, and that there are many things still to be done.
According to UNAIDS estimates, there are now 33.3 million people living with HIV, including 2.5 million children. During 2009 some 2.6 million people became newly infected with the virus and an estimated 1.8 million people died from AIDS.
The vast majority of people with HIV and AIDS live in lower- and middle-income countries. But HIV today is a threat to men, women and children on all continents around the world.(took from http://www.avert.org/world-aids-day.htm )

Charity Club Meeting

 On 29th of November we had a Charity Club meeting about our future activities.It was so annoying,because we were about 30 people in a small classroom and everyone was shouting and arguing,but except this everything was did our job well.We distributed the roles  that every member takes.Me and my classmates will go to the local resident for old peoplе,we will prepare a short program for the,we are also going to give them presents,bought with the money from the Christmas bazaar in the college.There we will sell a hand-made plates,bottles and tiles(with decoupage).We decided who is going to sell them in school and in the municipality.I am going to attend the bazaar in the municipality on 17th December, also I will go to visit the old people in the resident.I LOVE going there.The people there are so nice.They are so happy when we visit them and I am so happy too , because for me it is important to make happy people around you.It makes you feel useful and full of energy.