вторник, 30 ноември 2010 г.

Selling couverts for the Christmas Charity Ball :)

Previous week (22-26 Novermer) we started to sell the couverts for the Christmas Charity Ball.We were all a bit disappointed
because the students were not so enthusiastic about the ball and only 20 people bought , but we hope that the next week they will be more

четвъртък, 18 ноември 2010 г.

Organizing the Christmas Prom :)

Today we had a CAS meeting.We made the invitations for the Christmas Ball and we chose the decoration for the hall :) It was so fun :) We picked the name "Christmas Dream".We ordered them from one internet site we were a bit embarrassed , because we did not know what will come .. but everytning was okay :) The purses for the couverts looked great , we also ordered chritmas trees for decoration they were so cute.
The Ball will be perfect!!!

вторник, 16 ноември 2010 г.

Fifth Yoga Lesson

Yesterday was my fifth yoga lesson.I was so tired,so I could almost falling asleep during the lesson, it was not one of my best lessons,but despite this I had a great time and I relaxed too.We made a different exercises , which were more intensive than before , maybe that is the reason , because I was so tired after the class.

Local Project - selling the second edition of the newspaper

On the 11th of November after the big preparation, we started to sold the newspaper in the first break at school.We made 100 copies and we sold about 65-70 which was not so bad.I hope that we will sell more copies next time :)

Local Project - Making the new edition of the school newspaper

On 11th of November we prepared our newspaper.My job was to write an interview with the winner of the prize "The scariest mask" on the Halloween party.I enjoyed my job.There was a surprise for the readers - on one of the pages in the newspaper there was a sign by the most famous actor in the play "The ugly one".The one that I told you in my previous publication.

Theater Play

I always loved to go to theater plays,but in our theater in Veliko Tarnovo there are not so many plays :) , but when I understood that there will be a theater play I was first to buy a ticket.
On 10th of November there was a performance in the theater so me and my classmates  went .This time we chose to watch “The ugly one”.If I have to be honest with you,I chose it because I like one of the actors in the play,Kalin Vrachanski,he is a famous bulgarian actor .. but nevermind let me tell you something more about the play
I did not have big expectations about the play,but I was impressed from everything,because everything was perfect.It was such a great show,the actors were really good.I liked it a lot because it was unusual.

Theater Play

On 8th  of November me and my classmates went on a theater play.The play was played by a theater from Razgrad(small town in north Bulgaria), the name of the play was the The iron candlestick”.It was about the bulgarian struggles of 19th  century  for the national Orthodox Church.I did not like it , because there was nothing common with the book and I did not like the way the actors were playing.I was really disappointed.This book is a classic in the bulgarian literature.The students in the National Program will study it.

четвъртък, 4 ноември 2010 г.

Discussing the local project and the organization of Christmas Prom

Today was such a lovely day.The sun was shining so we decided to go out for our CAS class.We were discussing the next copy of our IB Newspaper.Of course I'm not going to tell you anything about it , it will be surprise in my next publication :)
We also talked about the organization of the  Christmas prom :) About the decoration of the hall,about the music for the night,for the invitations and so on.That from me for now :) more about the Christmas prom in the next post :)

сряда, 3 ноември 2010 г.

Halloween Party

After the shooping day in Varna, in the evening we went to Albena for our Halloween party.We stayed in really comfortable and beautiful hotel.
It was such a wonderful evening.First we had a dinner in the hotel,which was so delicious.Then at 9 p.m we started with our program.There were different competitions and so many prizes.There were so many different costumes :There was a boy dressed as a terrorist,one was dressed as a ghould.One of the girls was dressed as a lake monster and she painted her body with green paint.It was so fun.We had a DJ.We all had so beautiful costumes  I want to have so many weekend like this.I will always remember this Halloween party.


Tourist Trip to Varna

On 31st of October I woke up at 7:00a.m and went to the parking of stadium “Ivaylo”.We went from there at 8:30 a.m.It was so fun during the trip to Varna.At 12:30 we were in Varna.The weather was perfect for shopping and walk.So me and my classmates went on shopping,we all bought a lot of clothes.After the long shopping tour we went in one caffe to relax.It was such a great trip.I love Varna and I hope that we will go there again.
Of course on the next day (01.11.2010)  when we went back to Tarnovo we went to Varna again and we went to see the sea,during the winter.It was so cold,but it was so beautiful too J I love the sea,even in the winter when I can not swim in it.

This is me and  Hristina.I love her so much!
 This is me,my classmates and our CAS cordinator Ms.Petarcheva :)

понеделник, 1 ноември 2010 г.

Lacquering the box

On 28th of October I was lacuering my box.It was funny and smelly too.The lacquer smelt disgusting.
I have to lacquering my box again,because the box absorb the biggest portion of the lacquer.
This will stay as a souvenir at home forever :) , maybe it will sound immodesty, but I really made one very beautiful box :)